Tuesday 9 June 2015

Lost That Bump - Postpartum Weight Loss (Month 3)

My weight loss is slowing to a crawl at this point, but I just have to keep at it and I know it will be worth it in the end!

Start(ish) of the month
May 27th
Weight: 157 lbs

This month I have stayed almost the same workout-wise, but I have cut out a lot of fatty foods, meat and empty carbs. I am eating smaller meals and snacking less in the evenings. My meals are 3/4 vegetables, and if I want a snack I cook up some veggies or eat a bowl of salad.

I can feel a difference in my energy levels (which aren't that great due to having a three-year-old, two-year-old and two-month-old) and I feel lighter and healthier. I have never had any sort of ab definition and I can finally feel some now (I can't see it beneath the baby blubber but I can feel the muscles with my hand.)

Middle of the month
June 2nd
Weight: 160 lbs (oops!)

About the middle of my month (well technically the start of a month but I started on the 17th, so the middle of my month is the start of the month... if that makes sense). Anywho, the middle of the month I hit a bit of a wall, stopped working out and ate a bunch of junk. Only went up to 160 lbs but it scared me enough to get me back on track.

My baby bump is finally disappearing!
(June 5th - 155 lbs)
Just keep in my mind, if I can do this, you certainly can too! At this point I am down 35 lbs, and have only 15 more to go before I reach my goal weight. Now its crunch-time! (Pun intended).

Love ya's!
- M

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