Monday 15 June 2015

10 Confessions

Here is a glimpse into my mind and how it works. I guess I feel often misunderstood and misinterpreted, so I hope this will help at least some of you to understand me (or even yourselves!) better.

1. Once I am friends with someone, I never stop being friends. Even if we haven't talked in years or got into a fight, I still consider you a friend. The "unfriend" button on Facebook does nothing to stop me!

2. If I ever come across as arrogant, know from the bottom of my heart I am not. I am very self-conscious and shy by nature. Sometimes I try to over-compensate and end up coming across as a jerk. If I have ever acted rudely to you, I am sorry.

3. I don't know how to flirt. Seriously. If I am "flirting" with someone, it is entirely by accident because I don't know how to flirt. My version of flirting used to be completely ignoring the guy for fear of scaring him off. (I'm still not sure how I ended up married.) If I am actually talking to you, I'm not flirting. Sorry.

4. Calling someone "miss" is one of the highest forms of respect I can pay. This probably stems from calling all my Sunday School teachers "miss" when I was young, and some of those women were the most influential in my life.

5. If you ever think I am mad at you, I am probably not. When I have any sort of altercation with someone, I usually assume they are upset / angry with me and try to avoid them so as not to make things worse. Thus it looks like I am the one who is upset / angry.

6. I may know a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I am "popular". In high school I was casually friends with a lot of people, and because of this not many people pursued a close friendship with me. I regret not having the confidence to do so myself, but I was a teenager. Confidence wasn't exactly my thing. I enjoy knowing lots of people, but I revel in my close friendships.

7. I don't usually ignore people on purpose. I have a very deep-rooted fear of annoying someone, so I will often avoid talking to / texting / Facebook stalking them so that I don't make them sick of me. If you think I am ignoring you, I am not upset or anything. Just reach out first and I will respond. Sometimes I am also just oblivious.

8. I am rarely too busy to hang out. I am just often convinced that no one actually wants to spend time with me, so don't like to reach out to get someone to hang out. I will rarely push if someone says they are busy, because what if they just said that because they don't want to see me?

9. If we are close, I will give a lot of attention to your significant other. This is not because I am flirting. It just means you are important to me, and he (or sometimes she) is important to you, so I am putting an effort into being on good terms with them.

10. I am always searching for approval. This is probably a by-product of being the "baby" sibling. I desperately need verbal approval from people for most of what I do. I have yet to figure out if this is a good or bad thing. This doesn't mean that I do everything to please others, but I do hope that someone is pleased with everything I do. (If that even makes sense.)

Hope you are having a great day! xoxo
- M

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