Tuesday 8 April 2014

How to Feel More Confident

The original name of this post was going to be "How To Feel Sexier" but I really don't like the connotation behind the word "sexy" nowadays.

So, instead, I am going to write about how to be more confident about your body, your personality and just yourself in general. This post is directed at women, but that doesn't mean it isn't also helpful for men. (Some of it, obviously not all of it.)

1. Laugh more. Watch a funny movie, look at silly pictures, laugh with friends.

2. Dance. You don't have to necessarily go out with friends, you can play music and dance around your kitchen while you're cooking or baking. Which leads me to my next one...

3. Bake. Cookies, cakes, brownies, muffins. Bake up a storm. Distribute your baked goods to friends and family. Try not to over-indulge but don't skimp out. Eat a cookie!

4. Move. Run, walk, ride your bike. You don't even have to work up a sweat. Just get your muscles working. Get moving.

5. Pamper. Paint your nails, get a massage, wax your legs. Go to a spa or stay home. Make your own facial. Have some friends over to paint each other's nails.

6. Cut your hair. Try something completely different or even just get a few inches trimmed. Get bangs. Do something crazy. Dye it a different colour. Whatever you want. Its your hair!

7. Drink. No, not alcohol. Try to limit your alcohol and soft drink intake. Drink lots of water and pure juices. Make you own all-natural smoothies using your blender.

8. Friends. Spend your time with people who make you feel good about yourself. If you feel awful about yourself every time you are around someone, don't hang out with them. It's as simple as that.

9. Dress up. Don't be afraid to over-dress, as long as you keep it classy. This means skip the thigh-high slits and ultra-low v-necks. Heels to me are a no-brainer. But if you don't like heels or roll your eyes at them, wear flats.

10. Try something new. Take that new yoga class. Buy that outfit. Go to a different gym. A small change in your routine can make a big difference.

And my most important tip is: Don't rely on other people's comments to make yourself feel good. Realize that you are beautiful, worthwhile and strong.

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