Wednesday 31 July 2013

Week 5: Emergency House Cleanup

ow, as a housewife, I know I am obligated to occasionally clean the house.

I have read a lot of other blog posts about "how to clean your entire house" and, well, frankly their techniques do not work for me. So here's mine!

I always, alwaysalways start out by playing some groovy tunes.

Okay not really "groovy". Just whatever music I'm feeling that day.

1. Have a box or bag to put all the things in that don't belong in the room you find them in. Have a garbage bag for trash, box or bag for recycling and hamper for all the dirty laundry available. Have broom, mop, rags, cleaners and vacuum out and ready to be used.

2. I start in the living room. Put away toys, straighten the couch, take dirty dishes to kitchen and put them right in the dishwasher or sink full of hot soapy water. Empty garbage in living room (if you have one).

3. Sweep & wash living room floor. Allow to dry.

4. Collect all laundry and bedding. Start a load.

5. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for family roomdining roomhallways, etc.

6. Now the kitchen. Wash all dishes you have collected. Clear countertops. Empty garbages. Wipe down stovetop and counters. Sweep and clean floor.

7. Clear everything off bathroom floor/counters. Spray it all with cleaner. Spray toilet bowl and tub/shower. Allow to sit.

8. Switch laundry to dryer. Start a new load.

9. Repeat step 7 for any additional bathrooms.

10. Dry dust surfaces in living room, family room, dining room, hallways, etc. Shake smaller floor mats outside. Dust the ceilings, light fixtures and fans. Wash baseboards.

11. Wipe down bathroom, including toilet and tub/shower. Wash floor. Repeat for additional bathrooms.

12. Switch laundry to dryer. Start a new load. Fold first load of laundry. Put away.

13. Use rag and window cleaner to wash all windows and mirrors.

14. For bedrooms: consider all clothing dumped on floor dirty and toss in hamper. Throw out garbage. Put toys away. Make bed. Sweep floor.

15. Repeat step 14 for additional bedrooms.

16. Switch laundry to dryer. Start a new load. Fold second load of laundry. Put away.

17. Vacuum all area rugs and apolstery (couches, loveseats, chairs, benches, etc.). Vacuum any rooms that are carpeted.

18. Sweep any stairs you have.

19. If you have pets, toss their beds into the wash. Make sure they have food and water. Change litter or cage shavings (if applicable).

20. Make sure there is soap and toilet paper in the bathrooms. Dry and put away any dishes in the kitchen.

21. Do a walk-through of your whole house in case there is anything you missed.

22. Light a candle and sit back and enjoy your clean house which, if you have children, will last about 30 seconds.

Now this is just my one day emergency cleaning to-do list. Maybe some day I will post my day-to-day cleaning chores.

What about you? How do you clean?

God bless and happy cleaning!

- M

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