Tuesday 30 July 2013

Week 4.5: I'm stumpy and I know it

Today begins the first day on my own with my stubby finger.


For those who do not know about my finger injury, you can read about it here:

Let me start off by saying it hurts pretty bad, I can't let it get wet at all and my whole left hand is very sensitive and shaky because of it (thus pretty much useless). It must be all the messed up nerve endings.

So I desperately need to shower, but with two babies I don't get much time to myself, let alone enough to attempt washing my hair with one hand.

My kitchen counter is covered with dirty dishes (and I mean covered). I am terrified to cook anything for fear I will have to use a knife.

I am feeling very lost and discouraged.

I pray for the strength to make it through the next two weeks (until hubby is home again), the courage to face my newly developed fear of the kitchen, and patience to relearn how to do pretty much everything without touching my finger. Because when I touch it, it hurts pretty bad.

Also I just missed garbage day. Not the best start to my day.

I could use some virtual hugs today. Keep me in your prayers!

- M
My stubby wubby finger.

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