Monday 22 July 2013

Week 3: Who Leaves Their Baby in a Hot Car?

So I saw this video on youtube (link below) that was a reenactment about leaving your infant in the car on a hot day. Needless to say I was in tears by the end of the video.

Now for all of you who are as sensitive as I am to matters like this, you might not want to read on.

I read that as of four days ago (July 18th) 20 children have died in the US from being left in hot cars this year already! I can't seem to find the data for Canada, but at least three more in canada are dead.

That's TWENTY-THREE kids, people!

So if that many have died, how many more have been left in a hot car and not died?

That's not to mention how many pets are probably left for "just a minute" across North America every day.

So what bothers me is, what in the world could be so important that you feel the need to leave your baby in the car?

Now, even with air conditioning, a car in the peak of summer feels hot.

Apparently a car parked in the sun can quickly reach about 70° celsius. That's 158° Fahrenheit! That is hot!

As far as I am concerned, there are three possible reasons for leaving a child in the car. I am not saying they are valid reasons, but reasons nonetheless. And they are:

1. You only have a few things to pick up and you think it will be much faster to duck into the store without your baby.

2. Your baby is sleeping finally and you are afraid moving him inside will wake him.

3. You forgot your baby was in the car with you.

Now if reason number one, I can assure you every other parent has had to haul a stroller and car seat in and out of a car a hundred times if not more. (Unless of course they don't have a car, in which case this whole post does not apply, but even I do not have a car and have done this.) Taking an extra five minutes to get your baby out of the car won't kill you. If you are late for something, that's your own fault. Do not abandon your baby to make up for your bad time management.

If reason number two, I have been there. Your baby has been screaming all afternoon and after a drive has finally fallen asleep. You are exhausted. It would be so much easier to just let him sleep. But believe me, he will probably fall back asleep at some point. If you leave him, you might never hear him cry again. Or laugh. Or talk. If you must leave him in the car, sit in the car with him. Leave it running if you have to keep it cool. But you will be able to tell if its getting too hot for your little one.

If reason number three, while this seems at first like the most excusable reason, in my mind it is almost worse. You forgot you had your baby with you? You are the adult. You are responsible for another human life. If your mind is so preoccupied you forget whether or not your child is with you, you really should take stock of what thoughts are so much more important than your baby. Cherish the times you have with him so you don't ever forget.

Now please don't think I am attacking the parents whose babies have died. They have made their mistake, and are living with the consequences.

It literally makes me sick thinking of what those parents must have gone through, must still be going through.

Please, please don't repeat those parents' (or grandparents') mistakes.

Take care of your baby. Don't ever forget how much you love him (or her!). Don't let his life be ended early for your own convenience.

Babies are a gift from God.

Sorry to start the week on such a low note. But this really has to stop.

God bless!

- M

Link to youtube video:

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