Tuesday 15 October 2013

Week 16: Moving Essentials Box

This is the first box you open when you move. It should get you through the first 24 hours so you aren't rooting through a dozen boxes looking for your toothbrush or measuring tape.

Bathroom (have these for each one):
- hand soap
- hand towel
- shower curtain (if applicable)
- a couple rolls of toilet paper

- dish soap
- dish cloth & towel
- coffee maker & mugs
- paper plates & plastic cutlery
- easy to prepare meals
- snacks
- paper towels

Cleaning products (you will want to do a good cleaning before unpacking anything):
- window cleaner
- multipurpose cleaner
- broom
- mop
- vacuum
- rags
- garbage bags

Basic tools:
- screwdriver
- hammer
- nails & screws
- measuring tape
- level
- wrench
- duct tape
- spare light bulbs

- food dishes
- food
- leash
- toy(s)

For each member of the household:
- change of clothes
- pajamas
- bedding
- toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, etc)
- shower necessities (shampoo, soap, towel)
- toys for the kids

- pen & paper
- take out menus
- flashlight
- candles & matches
- Tylenol & any prescription medications
- phone/computer chargers
- games for the first evening
- any valuables

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